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Young Litigator's Practicum 2019

We are holding a day-long Continuing Legal Education event at the law school focused on teaching practical litigation skills to younger attorneys and law students: a practicum.


The Review is inviting practitioners, judges, consultants, and professors to speak on a variety of topics imperative to a young lawyer’s success at the office, in the deposition room, and in the courtroom. Presentation topics may include: arguing motions before the court; undertaking voir dire; conducting depositions; understanding integral procedural rules; and working with clients. This focused practicum seeks to teach the necessary nuts and bolts of civil litigation with an emphasis on the issues young litigators will encounter during their early years in practice.


Date: March 8, 2019, at 8:30 AM

Location: Eidman Courtroom, 727 E. Dean Keeton St., Austin TX 78705

Registration Fee: $30 per person (contact Clark C. Reeder for registration,


Karen Burgess


How to best create and maintain an organized and effective trial notebook.


David Gonzalez


A young lawyer’s guide to docket call, announcements, and hearings. As part of the presentation, learn from a number of judges what their pet peeves are about new lawyers.


Michael Maslanka


An analysis of several essential deposition techniques that may make-or-break your deposition.


Josh Fuller


Young lawyers are often the recipients of assignments that are heavily dependent on technology. Learn about the various ways you can expect to interact with technology and technological concepts in your early years of practice.


Michael Golden


Social media can be a goldmine in litigation, if you can discover it and get it into evidence. Learn ethical methods of eDiscovery related to social media, the nuts and bolts of admitting social media data into evidence, and strategies for using that evidence on both liability and damages claims.

The Review of Litigation

The University of Texas School of Law

727 East Dean Keeton Street

Austin, Texas 78705

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